Transverse Design of Adjacent Precast Prestressed Concrete Box Girder
2024.08.01 - [업무관련] - member properties for voided-slab bridges
5.3.2 Symbols
The following symbols apply in this Section:
AL = shear area of longitudinal members
As = total area of stiffeners in width Sw, as shown in Figure 5.8 for orthotropic steel decks
AT = shear area of transverse members
B = bridge width
G = shear modulus
IL = longitudinal moment of inertia of a grillage member
IT = transverse moment of inertia of a grillage member
JG = torsional inertia of a beam
JL = longitudinal torsional inertia of a grillage member
JT = transverse torsional inertia of a grillage member
S = centre-to-centre spacing of longitudinal girders of a deck-on-girder bridge, m; centre-to-centre spacing of circular voids of a voided slab bridge, m; centre-to-centre spacing of spines of a multi-spine bridge, m
SL = width of a slab or deck associated to longitudinal members in grillage analysis
ST = width of a slab or a deck associated to transverse members in grillage analysis
t = overall thickness of a slab
ts = thickness of the slabs of rectangular voided-slab bridges
tv = depth of circular or rectangular void in voided slabs
tw = thickness of webs in rectangular voided slabs
t1 = slab thickness at the exterior edge of a tapered slab; thickness of the top slab of rectangular
voided-slab bridges
t2 = slab thickness of a tapered slab at the edge of the flange of the exterior girder; thickness of the
bottom slab of rectangular voided-slab bridges
Vy = maximum intensity of transverse vertical shear in shear-connected beam bridges in
W = the maximum axle load of the CL-625 Truck (175 kN)
CL-W Truck
CL-W Lane load