
    Two scenarios of deterioration and rehabilitation of a structure. (Reproduced from Owens, G. (ed.), 2009, Fulton’s Concrete Technology, Cement and Concrete Institute, Midrand, South Africa, Figure 9.1



    Penetrability processes illustrated by way of a sea wall. (After BS 6349-1-:2013, 2013, Maritime works. General. Code of practice for materials, The British Standards Institution, London, UK.)




    Illustration of non-structural cracks in concrete. (Adapted from Concrete Society TR22, 2010, Non-Structural Cracks in Concrete, 4th edition, Concrete Society, Surrey, UK.)



    Schematic illustration of the corrosion process in concrete.




    Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete exposed to chloride ions. (Adapted from Broomfield, J. P., 2007, Corrosion of Steel in Concrete—Understanding, Investigation and Repair, 2nd edition, Taylor & Francis, Oxford, UK.)


    Rate determining factors of the electrochemical corrosion process of steel in concrete. (Reproduced from Bentur, A., Diamond, S., and Berke, N. 1997, Steel Corrosion in Concrete, Fundamentals and Civil Engineering Practice, E&FN SPON/
    Chapman and Hall, London, UK)




    Modeling of the corrosion process of steel in concrete. (Reproduced from Bentur, A., Diamond, S., and Berke, N., 1997, Steel Corrosion in Concrete, Fundamentals and Civil Engineering Practice, E&FN SPON/Chapman and Hall, London, UK)



    FIGURE 5.1 Corrosion due to carbonation

    concrete design to en 1992 2nd edtion LAWRENCE MARTIN, JOHN PURKISS

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