TeX Live - TeX Users Group
TeX Live TeX Live is intended to be a straightforward way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux and macOS, and also Windows. It incl
Windows - TeX Live - TeX Users Group
TeX Live on Windows Contents Easy install When installing from the internet, we recommend downloading and running install-tl-windows.exe. This installer first unpacks itself and then starts the installer proper, which is the same as for other platforms. An
설치하는데 약 1시간 30분 정도 소요됨.
KTUG사설저장소 설치
1. TeX Live command-line 실행
2. tlmgr repository add <url> ktug
여기서 <url>은 https://mirror.ischo.org/KTUG/texlive/tlnet
tlmgr repository add https://mirror.ischo.org/KTUG/texlive/tlnet ktug
2-1. 다음과 같은 에러메시지 뜸
Locale 'Korean_Korea.949' is unsupported, and may crash the interpreter.
2-2 해결 방법
Tex Live 2024 설치시 "Locale 'Korean_Korea.949' is unsupported," Warning이 납니다. - KTUG :: Q&A 마당 - KTUG, KTS
어제 우연히 TexLive 2024 를 알게되어, mirror.naver. com 에서 전체설치를 택해서 설치 했는데 Locale 'Korean_Korea.949' is unsupported, and may crash the interpreter. 가 나옵니다. 나중에 다시 정식버전이 올라오면 재
How do I view and change the system locale settings to use my language of choice?
Java displays in an incorrect language. The system locale is not set to use the language of choice. Check the Windows display language If you are still not seeing the correct language, check the primary language is selected under the Windows display langua
3. pinning을 추가한다.
tlmgr pinning add ktug "*"
4. 패키지 설치 예
4-1 jiwonlipsum Lorem ipsum for Korean
tlmgr install jiwonlipsum
4-2 hangulfontset 간단하게 한글 폰트 설정하기
tlmgr install hangulfontset
KTUG사설저장소 설치
Ktug Private Repository
* KTUG 사설저장소는 한국어 사용자를 위한 패키지로서 CTAN(TeX Live)을 통하여 제공되지 않는 것을 추가적으로 제공하기 위하여 운영한다. * CTAN에 업로드...