
    설계 편차 허용량(EuroCode2 vs KDS 24 14 21)


    Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1 : General rules and rules for buildings Allowance in design for deviation
    (4) For concrete cast against uneven surfaces, the nominal cover should generally be increased by allowing larger deviations in design.
    Tile increase should comply with the difference caused by the unevenness, but the nominal cover should be at least k1 mm for concrete cast against prepared ground (including blinding) and k2 mm for concrete cast directly against soil.
    The cover to the reinforcement for any surface feature, such as ribbed finishes or exposed aggregate, should also be increased to take account of the uneven surface (see (11)).
    Note: The values of k1 and k2 for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex. The recommended values are 40 mm and 75 mm.



    Q. what is prepared ground in this code?

    According to the Eurocode 2, "prepared ground" refers to ground that has been specifically prepared for the casting of concrete. This may include activities such as clearing vegetation, leveling the ground, compacting the soil, and providing a suitable base for the concrete. The minimum concrete cover for concrete cast against prepared ground, including blinding, should be at least k1 mm, as specified in the code. The specific value of k1 for a particular country can be found in its National Annex, with the recommended value being 40 mm.

    유로코드 2에 따르면 "준비된 지반"은 콘크리트 타설을 위해 특별히 준비된 지반을 의미합니다. 여기에는 초목 제거, 지면 평탄화, 토양 다지기, 콘크리트에 적합한 기초 제공과 같은 활동이 포함될 수 있습니다. 블라인딩을 포함하여 준비된 지반에 타설하는 콘크리트의 최소 콘크리트 덮개는 코드에 명시된 대로 최소 k1mm 이상이어야 합니다. 특정 국가의 k1의 구체적인 값은 해당 국가별 부록에서 확인할 수 있으며, 권장 값은 40mm입니다.


    Q. What is blinding?

    Blinding is a layer of granular material that is placed on the ground before the concrete is cast, while lean concrete is a type of concrete mix that has a lower cement content and a higher proportion of aggregates.

    블라인딩은 콘크리트를 타설하기 전에 바닥에 깔아주는 입상 재료 층이며, 린 콘크리트는 시멘트 함량이 낮고 골재 비율이 높은 콘크리트 혼합물 유형입니다.


    Blinding, in the context of concrete construction, refers to a layer of material that is placed on the ground before the concrete is cast. It serves several purposes, including providing a clean and level surface for the concrete, preventing the loss of water from the concrete mix into the ground, and acting as a separation layer between the ground and the concrete. Blinding is typically made of a thin layer of granular material, such as sand or fine aggregate, and is compacted to ensure a stable base for the concrete.

    콘크리트 시공에서 블라인딩은 콘크리트를 타설하기 전에 지반에 깔아주는 재료 층을 말합니다. 블라인딩은 콘크리트에 깨끗하고 평평한 표면을 제공하고, 콘크리트 혼합물에서 땅속으로 수분이 손실되는 것을 방지하며, 지면과 콘크리트 사이의 분리층 역할을 하는 등 여러 가지 용도로 사용됩니다. 블라인딩은 일반적으로 모래나 미세 골재와 같은 입상 재료의 얇은 층으로 만들어지며 콘크리트의 안정적인 기초를 보장하기 위해 압축됩니다.


    Q. lean concrete is also blinding?

    No, lean concrete is not the same as blinding. Blinding is a layer of granular material that is placed on the ground before the concrete is cast, while lean concrete is a type of concrete mix that has a lower cement content and a higher proportion of aggregates. Lean concrete is typically used as a base layer or sub-base layer for other types of concrete, such as reinforced concrete or pavement. While both blinding and lean concrete are used as base layers in construction, they are different materials with different properties and purposes.

    아니요, 린 콘크리트는 블라인딩과 동일하지 않습니다. 블라인딩은 콘크리트를 타설하기 전에 바닥에 깔아주는 입상 재료 층인 반면, 린 콘크리트는 시멘트 함량이 낮고 골재 비율이 높은 콘크리트 혼합물 유형입니다. 린 콘크리트는 일반적으로 철근 콘크리트나 포장 도로와 같은 다른 유형의 콘크리트를 위한 베이스 레이어 또는 서브 베이스 레이어로 사용됩니다. 블라인드 콘크리트와 린 콘크리트는 모두 건설의 기초층으로 사용되지만, 서로 다른 특성과 목적을 가진 서로 다른 재료입니다.


    Q. what is blinding concete?

    Blinding concrete, also known as blinding layer or blinding coat, refers to a thin layer of concrete that is placed on the ground before the main concrete is poured. It is typically made of a low-strength concrete mix with a thickness ranging from 25mm to 75mm. The purpose of blinding concrete is to provide a clean and level surface for the main concrete to be cast on. It helps to prevent the loss of water from the concrete mix into the ground, acts as a separation layer between the ground and the concrete, and ensures a stable base for the main concrete. Blinding concrete is commonly used in various construction applications, such as foundations, floor slabs, and road pavements.

    블라인딩 레이어 또는 블라인딩 코트라고도 하는 블라인딩 콘크리트는 주 콘크리트를 타설하기 전에 바닥에 깔아두는 얇은 콘크리트 층을 말합니다. 일반적으로 두께가 25mm~75mm인 저강도 콘크리트 혼합물로 만들어집니다. 블라인딩 콘크리트의 목적은 주 콘크리트를 타설하기 위해 깨끗하고 평평한 표면을 제공하는 것입니다. 블라인드 콘크리트는 콘크리트 혼합물에서 땅속으로 수분이 손실되는 것을 방지하고, 땅과 콘크리트 사이의 분리층 역할을 하며, 주 콘크리트를 위한 안정적인 기초를 보장합니다. 블라인드 콘크리트는 일반적으로 기초, 바닥 슬래브, 도로 포장 등 다양한 건설 분야에 사용됩니다.




    2023.08.29 - [ 업무관련] - Are blinding concrete and lean concrete the same thing?




    KDS 24 14 21 콘크리트교 설계기준(한계상태설계법) 설계 편차 허용량
    (4) 울퉁불퉁한 표면에 타설한 콘크리트의 최소피복두께는 일반적으로 증가시켜야 한다. 최소피복두께는 요철 메우기 등 미리 준비된 지면에 타설한 콘크리트에 대하여는 20mm, 토양에 직접 타설한 콘크리트에 대하여는 50mm이다. 요철 마감과 골재가 노출된 경우와 같은 표면 상태에서는 피복두께를 증가시켜야 한다.( 참조)

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