Mononobe-Okabe equation 모노노베-오카베 공식
2022.01.08 - [ 업무관련] - coulomb wedge theory 쿨롱 시행쐐기법 excel
coulomb wedge theory 쿨롱 시행쐐기법 excel
coulomb wedge theory 쿨롱 시행쐐기법 excel coulomb wedge theory 쿨롱 시행쐐기법 spread sheet Assumptions 1. the soil is isotropic and homogeneous 2. the rupture surface is a plane surface 3. th..
Extended “Mononobe-Okabe” Method for Seismic Design of Retaining Walls
Mononobe-Okabe (M-O) method is still employed as the first option to estimate lateral earth pressures during earthquakes by geotechnical engineers. Considering some simple assumptions and using a closed form method, M-O solves the equations of equilibrium